nano Wikimarkup Editor
- What is nanoWIME?
- What is nanoWIME not?
- Example 1 (inline)
- Examples 2 (external)
- Usage
- Configuration
- Download
- nanoWIME on Sourceforge
- Contact / Bugs etc.
1. What is nanoWIME?
nanoWIME is a simple javascript editor. It turns a textarea-element into a lightweight editor by adding a simple toolbar.
nanoWIME is extensible and flexible: every button and every action can be configured
and customized.
[TOC ↑]
2. What is nanoWIME not?
nanoWIME is not a WYSIWYG editor like tinyMCE.
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3. Example 1 (internal)
[TOC ↑]4. Examples 2 (external)
- example.html
Webpage with nanoWIME, configured for WikiMarkup - example_html.html
Webpage with nanoWIME, configured for HTML-Markup - example_html2.html
Webpage with nanoWIME, configured for HTML-Markup, configuration in external file - example_html3.html
Webpage with nanoWIME, configured for HTML-Markup, configuration in external file and two button panels
[TOC ↑]
5. Usage
To use nanoWIME, you have to import the javascript file into the webpage:
<script type="text/javascript" src="nanoWIME.js"></script>
After importing the javascript library, the editor has to be configured:
<script type="text/javascript"> nanoWIME._init({ // General options elementID : "my_textarea", buttonBar1 : "h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,|,ulist,olist,|,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,sup,sub,nowiki,|,link_intern,link_extern,|,simple_ref,ref_listing", conf : { simple_ref : { title : 'Simple reference [r]', img : 'book_link.png', cssclass : 'button', align : 'middle', elementId : 'toolbar_simpleref_btn', on_mouseover : function() { this.className = 'raised'; }, on_mouseout : function() { this.className = 'button'; }, on_mousedown : function() { this.className = 'pressed'; }, on_mouseup : function() { this.className = 'raised'; }, on_click : function() { var refName = prompt("Name of reference:", ""); var groupName = prompt("Groupname of the reference:", ""); var inString = "'; nanoWIME._getReplaceText(inString, ''); }, shortcut: 'r' } } }); </script>Thats all!
[TOC ↑]
6. Configuration
The nanoWIME configuration in details:
- elementID (MUST)
- ID of the textarea-element
- buttonBar1 (MUST)
- First button panel: defines the visible buttons in the toolbar.
Pre-defined buttons are:- h1
- h2
- h3
- h4
- h5
- h6
- ulist
- olist
- bold
- italic
- underline
- strikethrough
- sup
- sub
- nowiki
- link_intern
- link_extern
- | (SPACER)
- buttonBar2 (OPTIONAL)
- Second button panel
- buttonBar3 (OPTIONAL)
- Third button panel
- buttonsConf (OPTIONAL)
- Contains the configuration for self-defined buttons. See Example for more informations.
- iconsPath (OPTIONAL)
- Customized path for the icons.
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7. Download
nanoWIME is published under the artistic license 2.0:
If you use the library in your own project, please don't remove the original header with informations about the author (me) and the
used icon-set!
Latest version:
Download the latest version:
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8. nanoWIME on Sourceforge
nanoWIME (this page) on
nanoWIME project page on
File Manager of nanoWIME:
[TOC ↑]
9. Contact / Bugs etc.
Author of nanoWIME: Janne Schulz
If you want to contact me, send an e-mail to:

or visit my website:
[TOC ↑]
Fr 22 Jan 2010 14:54:36 CET